Monday, February 9, 2009

Its all the same in India and USA

The Markopolos testimony in the Madoff case has turned out to be scandalous, with Markopolos slamming the SEC for absolute incompetence and lack of will in investigating the high profile scamster.

The youtube video is quite a watch. Dont miss it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mercury, Saturn & Mis-statemement

Folks, i have not been able to blog as frequently in the last week , i guess because Mercury on my sign was retrograde and Saturn was on top of my business. I am feeling it all easing up a bit. Coming back to business, two things encouraged me to blog about the most famous discussion on accounts - mis-statements. Earlier this week i had a chat with the CEO of a wellness company and while discussing accounts he admitted that he knew, as a business head of "India's largest Retail Company", that the Inventory was always overstated by the bean counters to get the profit numbers right. The other one that got my mercury back in line was the PURPORTED (i doubt its authenticity - world has become an unreliable place!) research report by First Global which is attributed to - Le Grand Fromage, where he writes as to "why are we so surpirsed about Satyam". Read this link, pretty interesting. (

Ok, i am not surpirsed because i always felt that the Reliance, ICICI and half of those "best presented accounts" were all form without substance, for the simple reason that this quarter to quarter growth are all just good reporting, its near to impossible. Please forgive the negativity it is all due to the transit of saturn :)